Get Social – The Schedule
We’re all over Polk County! We are making it easy for you to pop in, ask us your pressing digital marketing questions and then get back to work. We’ll share our tips, tricks and trends with you so come on in and see us, in Columbus, Tryon and...The Joy of Websites
What Bob Ross Taught me about Social Media I remember watching Bob Ross’s The Joy of Painting with my Mom. And I loved how he made these magical landscapes. Slapping excess cleaner off his brush on the leg of his easel made him grin and me, too. Softly saying how a...Get Social at Georgiana’s Java Joint March 22
Are you a small business owner or manager in Saluda? Maybe a manager or director for an agency? If you have something you are struggling with in your organization regarding any facet of digital marketing, drop by Georgiana’s Jave Joint for some coffee and free...Get Social? What is That?
What are the Emerge Get Social events? How can I participate?